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Re: How often do Redfoots actually eat?!

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Posted by Linda G on April 16, 2003 at 09:29:24:

In Reply to: How often do Redfoots actually eat?! posted by turtle_22 on April 15, 2003 at 21:34:20:


:My new adult redfoot seems to be fine. It's just that I haven't witnessed him eating yet. He might do in the early morning hours when I am not around though!
:Anyway, I haven't even had him a week yet, but soak him in the tub every other day for about 15 minutes to a half an hour.
:I am sure he is drinking, which is good.
:Also, every morning I always find a poop in his terranium. That also appears to be normal as opposed to runny or discolored.
:And he is getting the natural vitamins from the sun because I've been taking him outside to roam around (the weather has been really warm lately, thank goodness).
:I have offered quite a variety of foods so far: Romain lettuce, corn, canned dog food, apples, grapes, strawberries, banana, even a couple small worms.
:I am awaiting the day in which I will see him open up that big mouth of his and eat from my hand.
:He was really shy the first 2 days around me, but is slowly "coming out of his shell" (pun intended).
:I am just curious what other methods I should try with him?


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