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Posted by EJ on April 11, 2003 at 14:53:08:

In Reply to: Re: Cypress update posted by Brian-SFCRC on April 10, 2003 at 14:11:19:


:What you said is true. However one must bear in mind that many of the purchased substrates can come from Timbuktu. A wild chelonian has natural immunities from normal pathogens encountered in the wild. If it's from a different part of the world , it may not have the natural immunity to fight off the infection

:The key word you used is particularly. Again, if even a slight risk, why risk using this substrate or 'bedding' at all?

:At the SFCRC, We don't like to be in a situation of playing 'The Shell Game' with our charges whom we regard as kindred spirits.
:I didn't wish to provoke any bad feelings or step on anyone's toes. I respect your right to your opinion and I hope all goes well with your Chelonians.

:All the best,

::Hay is highly flammable as well as newspaper, Carefresh and any wooden bedding product. In addition virtually any bedding could have the potential to harbor unwanted and sometimes dangerous pathogens (especially when soiled or kept moist).
::Keep in mind that in the wild Chelonians are subject to a vast array of viral, bacterial, fungal agents. It is usually only when the animals immune system becomes compromised that these pathogens become an issue.
::Bottom line, The points you mentioned regarding using Cypress as a substrate were not particulary valid when compared with the majority of other material used for bedding.


:::Attention everyone,

:::I stand corrected, I misread the sender as stating cedar instead of Cypress.
:::HOWEVER, Cypress is risky: 1) It is highly flammable. 2). It carries Plasmodium falciparium. 3). It can cause Pollinosis.

:::Also Coca shells should not be used due to Theobromine present.

:::Sorry for the misread but still look into different substrates for the sake of your animals. Even if the risk is slight, WHY take the chance?????




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