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Re: Sulcatta foaming at the mouth

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Posted by teepee on April 09, 2003 at 12:53:56:

In Reply to: Sulcatta foaming at the mouth posted by FisherPrice on April 09, 2003 at 00:30:19:

They also foam heavily at the mouth if they eat a sug or snail on the vegetation, either purposely or accidentally.

:Today, I took my 9mo old sulcatta out for a little sun, the temperature was around 75-80, breeze every now and then (we live in Northern California) so it wasn't extremely hot by any means. He was roaming around in a nice size cardboard box, since he is still pretty small and can fit in one, and he was just going about his normal business. I made sure no foreign objects were in the box, well anyway after about fifteen minutes or so I noticed that he had a little foam coming out of his mouth and it seemed like he was constantly trying to swallow or something. Part of the box was shaded from the sun, but I thought it was possible that he might have overheated, so I brought him inside and let him cool on a cool countertop for like five minutes before slowly and gradually soaking him in lukewarm water....i didn't want to shock him and immediately stick him in cold water.....he seemed fine, pooped a little and was walking around fine afterwards. I have been checking him all night and just checked him. He seems alert, no more signs of foaming. Does anyone have any idea what happened? Did he overheat so quickly? Any info would be great, thanks.

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