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got my greek:)

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Posted by melissamae on April 07, 2003 at 02:00:08:

I finally got my Greek tortoise. She/he is gorgeous:) I was told its a golden Greek, she is eating really well, pooping a lot too:) For now she is in a large rubbermaid container (about 3ftX3ft) with a screen over the top, a heat light, UV lighting, water bowl ext. I'm giving him/her collared greens, mustard greens, endive, escarole, dandelion greens, timothy hay, any other suggestions? I'm growing hibiscus, and collared greens right now so it will be ready to plant once it warms up outside (I live in ny and we just had an ice storm argh! I want winter to be gone!). As soon as it warms up she/he will be going outside in a 4ftX4ft enclosure. I've been soaking him early afternoon and every night until he poops, in warm water, then I dry her off and let her run around a little bit. I figured it makes it so my boxie doesn’t poop in his enclosure, so I though I would try it with the tortoise, and it worked, makes cleaning much easier for me! I am keeping him on towels, and alternate daily and toss the dirty ones in the wash. I also keep my boxie on towels while he is inside for the winter. Also, Goober, my Greek, has slight pyramiding, should I be concerned about any possible liver or kidney problems in the future? I know pyramiding can be indicative of to much protein intake, and that can cause liver and kidney problems. I have had him/her for about a week now. She had slight diarrhea when I got her, but that is gone now. The store was giving them lots of fruit:( I have read every site I could find on the internet and have read lots of books, there really isn't a whole of info on their care :-/ But I'm doing what I can with the information I have found. I am a bit anxious about the humidity; around here in the spring the humidity gets pretty high, I hope she does ok.

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