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Heating Outdoor Enclosure, ADVICE NEEDED

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on May 14, 2003 at 09:46:03:

In Reply to: Heating Outdoor Enclosure, ADVICE NEEDED posted by contemplate on May 12, 2003 at 22:06:09:

Pro Products Radiant Heat Panels are very well priced for the quality and efficiency that you get. We use them both indoors (for our herps) and in outdoor nest boxes for our birds of prey (we are in the Chicago area). We have yet to find anything as good as this product. Other options include incadescent bulbs which have the advantage in that you can tell at a quick glance if they are working or not....but, these panels work great and that is the way I would go. The manufacture will tell you that these panels should not be exposed to the elements but as long as they are in some sort of contained/enclosed "den" you won't have any problems.

:hello all, i'm constucting a 4x8 outdoor enclosure for my 14" red tegu "stubbs." i need advice on heating options. I've heard under tank heaters are bad, but i think they're probably pretty efficient. pro radiant panels are cool but pricey. ceramic emmitters are ok but they might not heat that big of an area too efficiently. i plan on investing in a proportional thermostat such as the one offered by big apple products to control the temps, but i dont know which heat source to plug into it. I'd like for him to be ok outside year round.

: i live in central florida where it is warm and humid for most of the year. however, we do get occasional winter nights that dip slightly below freezing. of course the ground temps are much higher, and it warms up to the 50's at least the next day. the cage is constructed with 1/4" galvanized screen with lattice around the walls. i'm going to try to sink the enclosure into the ground a foot or so. what would be best. i'd also like to keep electricity costs down if possible (i know, heaters require electricity). thanks for your help.

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