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Change that up

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Posted by shad925 on May 07, 2003 at 12:48:08:

In Reply to: Temp on the cool end posted by Rollin on May 07, 2003 at 12:13:45:

:I have recently added a second light to my cage. The temp on the cool side used to be a constant low 80s. Now with my new light it can rise to high 80s in the day when both lights are on, high 70s at night when only the 40 watt is on. I was wondering what others have their cool temp at. What happens if it's too hot in there?

There should be a place thats at 70 degreeish at least, in the wild you they can dig a hole near some tree and achieve that cooler temp. WHen they are in a cage, they have no choices, either really hot or hot. What happens if its too hot? THey will probably stay on the cooler temp side because that is probably suffiecient temps for their metabolism to happen. They will probably grow faster too, and process food faster...I suggest you get rid of the second light, or use a UV light instead, those give off no temp increase and keep yor cage fully lit. But seriously high 80s is bad for the cool side, he should have the choice to be hot or cold and high 80s is probably better fit to be on the hotter side..


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