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ackies vs Argentine b&w

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Posted by Rollin on May 05, 2003 at 16:19:00:

In Reply to: ackies vs Argentine b&w posted by jack7777766 on May 05, 2003 at 14:52:34:

First I thought ackies only got to around 2 feet long. Just to make sure your thinking about the same lizard, tegus can get to 4 1/2 feet and need a 6' by 3' cage. The weight difference would be oh maybe a pound or 2 for the ackie and 15+ for a tegu. Monitors generally have about a 50% chance of being nice (not biting you) were as a Argentine B&W is probably 95%. If you want interaction you're not likely to get any lizard with dog like friendliness. You'd be more likely to get a friendly tegu then a monitor because tegus are smarter. My tegus don't come sit on my lap yet but some peoples tegus do! I let mine roam every day, pfft get lost far from it they know exactly where they are, where to go bask, and how to get to their den. Anything new they'll go check out. They never stay under the desk for hours (like my bearded dragons) unless they can't get home (I have the cage open up to the living room).
Don't get me wrong I don't think the tegus win in every category. I think ackies are adorable and colorful. Also if you want a bigger lizard then a tegu you don't have much choice but to get a monitor and hope it's not a devil. But these weren't the criteria you were looking at.
The biggest drawback I didn't know about is my tegus stay in their den a lot. I don't know if monitors stay out more, or if tegus get better with age. I do get to see my tegus every day for at least a few hours.
One of mine has learned to go potty in the tub without water within a few seconds. I also taught my tegus to come to me by patting the ground and calling their name when they're hungry. Check out these 2 video clips it sounds like this is what your looking for.

Nice tegu:

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