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potty training

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Posted by Ripley on April 23, 2003 at 15:39:20:

In Reply to: soaking red (pic) posted by Rollin on April 23, 2003 at 09:55:16:

We're still working on the paper training. I tried keeping her in the water longer, but she wouldn't comply. After she stopped going in the tub, she'd always go on the bath mats and not the floor/carpet. Less laundry is always better, so now I put down paper in her "usual spot" while she's still in the water. A quick towel-dry then she takes a few steps and goes. Sometimes she gets the paper, sometimes I have to move her on it. Lots of high-pitched praise & back rubs when she gets it right. We're also trying this in the living room on another of her "spots".

Anyone else have any tegu potty training tips?

::Here's a pic of my Argentine red relaxing in a warm bath.

:She really looks like she enjoys a good bath! My male tegu hates water so it works out nice that he'll go potty in the tub without it now. My female tegu Jazz seems to like baths, she'll go lay down in the water as I start to fill the tub up. A lot of times she'll go potty in a min but it's only the white part then she'll want out. I comply but I put her back in later so she'll finish. Neither of my tegus go potty in the cage anymore but they'll gladly go on the carpet. How did you train yours to go on paper? Or better yet not to go on the carpet, please elaborate!

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