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Re: Lighting,Heating,Thermostat Dilemma

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Posted by shad925 on April 17, 2003 at 12:28:08:

In Reply to: Lighting,Heating,Thermostat Dilemma posted by Mournfulinsight on April 16, 2003 at 23:25:26:

Im guess that your problem is the turning off/on of your lights by the thermostat. So if thats what your wondering about, I know what can fix that. Its called a proportional thermostat, a really good one is by Big Apple, called Herp power: proportional thermostat. What this does instead of turno off and on it regulates the current going through (dimming etc.)..I just got a used one for 50 bucks, but in reality you will be paying like 100 for it. This is one heater that with a timer can have two diffrently temps, meaning night and day. None of these are set up to know the temperature (im sure its too expensive), the only way is to guess and check to get your temps right.
Good luck,

:I recently purchased a 75gal terrarium for my B&W Argentine Tegu. I been heating it with a UTH and a 150w ESU Brightlight during the day and a 100w ESU Nightlight at night. I use two timers for the day/night cycle as well as one for a humidifier. I then decided to purchase 2 inexpensive ESU thermostats (one for each day/night). My problem now is that once the temp goes up the light shuts off only to be turned back on when temps are down - a never ending cycle. I was also using (2)18" 15w Super UV bulbs which due to the 2' distance only served as additional lighting. I've considered ceramic heaters and mercury vapor but ceramic heaters emit no UV (or any light for that matter) and mercuy vapor bulbs aren't conducive to the day/night cycle that is necessary. Cost aside, what is the best possible heating/lighting setup for my terrarium utilizing timers and thermostats? Also, where should the den be in relation to the UTH and other heating devices? I have been receiving conflicting information. I greatly appreciate any advice offered.

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