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Crazy Burmese

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Posted by Tawny on May 30, 2002 at 01:31:53:

My husband was deployed recently leaving me to care for his 8 snakes. So much fun for someone who had only held a western hognose once. I've always been interested though, and I have been asking a lot of questions and learning as much as I can.

Anyway, one of the snakes is a 7 foot burmese python with the most interesting personality. I was originally afraid of him because he is very forward. He watches your every move, like tracking, but he has never once tried to bite me. He's bitten my husband before due to a voracious feeding responce. Eventually I started getting more and more used to him, and to be truthful I've found that he has become quite dear to me. When I walk in the room he becomes alert, and starts trying to get out of the cage. I let him roam while I'm in there cleaning, changing water, checking temperature and humidifier, and what not. He seems to like to be around me, and when I set him down he chases me around the room. It scared me the first time, but as soon as he got to me, he just curled up near my feet. I swear he almost has the personality of a dog. He hates to be picked up though. He hisses and and jumps when you try, but he's fine once you pick him up. So, anyone else ever notice this much of a response in their snake?

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