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Re: What can I do?

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Posted by Anna on May 25, 2002 at 17:40:55:

In Reply to: What can I do? posted by Katie on May 15, 2002 at 13:47:50:

: I didn't know exactly where on this site to put this post so it ended up here.
: This is the story: I'm in my second (and final) year of college. Some of my classmates I've known for the entire 2 years and I like them. We're all friends, we go out together, etc. But when I started getting interested in snakes a couple of months ago I began to not like these people so much. Not one of them has had a kind word to say about my new hobby. They all insist that snakes are awful creepy crawlies that don't deserve life. I've tried and tried to educate these people but they refuse to listen. Even my teacher joins in with some scarcasm and teasing. It's getting to the point where I changed my screen saver from pictures of beautiful Corn color morphs to some generic Windows thing just so I didn't have to listen to them anymore. Some noon hours I've spent at my computer researching different types of snakes and if any of them catch me it starts all over again. We had an assignment to give a 10 minute impromptu speech about a specific process that we knew about such as changing oil in a car or grooming a dog, etc. I did mine on breeding corn snakes. They seemed interested at first and asked a few questions at the end, including "how can you tell if it's a male or a female". When I tried to explain sexing probes or popping techniques they said I was disgusting and gross and they refused to listen to me anymore. What can I do to make these people understand that snakes are a pet to me, same as a dog or a cat or a hamster would be to them? And if I can't make them understand, how do I at least get them to shut up and quit teasing me? It's been going on for a couple of months now and it's really starting to bother me! Help please!
: Katie

hi everyone, this is my first posting and so forgive me if i'm not up to speed on the ettiquette, but i couldn't pass saying something about this.
first of all, you have to ask yourself, Katie, out of all your friends who mock you, who has the most interesting hobby?
you will notice that the ones who laugh the most are usually boring
and angry people themselves and their sarcasm comes from their own realization
that they themselves don't have much interests to share.
i bet that they are superficial and if you scratch the surface they don't have much to share.
in college i had a lot of friends, and the majority of them were truly superficial aquaintances.
your true friends will never tease you or make you feel uncomfortable. true friends value how you feel and
will always be mindful of what you like and feel passionate about. if they are too silly to see things beyond the "us vs.them",
don't waste your time worrying about what they think. go about your hobby and talk to lunatics like us, who have many of the REALLY wierd
animals and are so much more honest and interesting to share things with you. the purpose of frieds is to support each other, even when
they don't exactly share the same passions.
so there! i spoke my mind, and if someone doesn't like herps, ask them how they feel
about either eating raw fish (i love it) or wearing a dead animals' skin, or eating the pig's intestines (that's the cover of the sausage),
if that doesn't shut them up, tell them that every processed food they eat, and non processed contains a certain amount of insects, mouse droppings and even rat parts in meat products.
that's the FDA accepted report.
so there! now i think i'm done, if you need anymore of the disgusting stuff, let me know, got a ton, LOL.

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