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First good herping trip of the year ( at least for Michigan

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Posted by Angry Croc on June 23, 2001 at 19:34:28:

I'm going to be useing a point system in this. We decided to go to this forest that is within a hour drive of our house, and walk along some nature trails looking for herps. A little way into the walk I found a eastern ribbon snake, but it got away. Later on I saw what may have been a five-lined skink or a fast salamander, while turning over logs. This also got away. I also found a common garter snake by some logs. It was about 2 ft long. I easily caught it and took some pics, because for some reason I don't have any garter snake pics on my site. After catching him I found 3 very small red-backed salamanders. two of them were black, and one was black with a red stripe. One of them got away. I then ran into my third snake of the day. It was another common garter snake. This snake sort of embarassed my dad and me. I told him that this one seemed really angry and we should use a stick on its neck, and then grab its neck. He told me I was wrong. I grabed it near the tail so that it couldn't bite me while I tried to get a grip on its neck. Of course when I did that it pooped on me. Then when I reached for its neck it bit me on the finger drawing blood. My dad then said he would show me how it is done, and it latched onto his finger and drew blood. I finally got a good hold on it. Garter snake bites don't really hurt, but he will probably listen to me next time. I then found a big red-backed salamander. After that I found my last snake of the day, which was a eastern ribbon snake. Some how I lost it, and it got away. We then came to the end of the trail and my dad sugjested that we take a different trail. So we took a trail that was along a river. We soon discovered that we were some how lost. I then found a pretty good find ( at least for me ). I turned over a log and found 2 red-backed salamanders and what looks like a blue-spoted salamander. The 2 red-backs got away while I took pics of the blue-spot. I think it is my very first blue-spotted salamander. We then got more lost, because of my dad. We were lost for like 1 hour. While we were lost I saw what I think was a snapper in a algee filled pond. I could have easily gotten it, but the bugs and the fact that we were lost was driveing my dad nuts. We finally found our way out. I seem to be rusty lately on catching herps. I still can't believe that 3 slow salamanders got away from me. LOL.

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