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ROFLMAO I did ask him if I could use his glove to remove the rest of his >>

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Posted by Fundad on February 23, 2001 at 18:24:22:

In Reply to: long snake bite posted by Buddy Grout on July 31, 2000 at 06:14:03:


: I have dealt with snakes for over 30 years. Recently I had a funny (now not then) experience. I was helping my brother in law clean and feed his snakes. He has a little room on the back of his house in which he keeps his snakes. He had a tank outside washing it. I figured I would clean out his male albino cal king for him. I have a pair of my own so I had no reservations about reaching right in and picking him up.Well he is smaller than either of mine so when he bit my knuckle on the hand I picked him up with I thought it was cute.Like I said I have a lot of experience handling snakes and they usually let go after a few seconds. Well after a minute he was still holding on it was hurting a little but no big deal. At this point I walked outside with the not so cute 3ft snake bearing down with his jaws and constricting my hand.I walked out and said hey Mark help me get this sucker off my hand. He looked at me and the snake and started laughing. Then he says that the snake does that every time and he always uses a thick leather glove to pick it up.

: So we tried to pry the snake off by holding it behind the head and easing the teeth out. The result was he bit harder and It began to get somewhat uncomfortable.Mark says " I know what to do

: hang on". He ran in the house and came out with a bucket of ice water and says "put your hand in here for awhile.So I did and he said "no the one with the snake on it".So I put my hand snake and all in the ice water thinking this won't take long. After about 5 minutes my hand was numb and the snake was still holding on. The pain of the ice water was hurting more than the snake bite. Finally after what seemed like hours he let go. I think it may only have been a total of ten minutes.Then I was worried that the snake was damaged. Mark said "watch this and brought a mouse out on tongs and the snake ate it very quickly and then ate 2 more. I put a little onitment on my bloody finger and helped Mark finish cleaning his snake cages.I did ask him if I could use his glove to remove the rest of his snakes.

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