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Re: Florida Softshell

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Posted by Maxx MacLeod on February 13, 2003 at 14:25:58:

In Reply to: Re: Florida Softshell posted by johnsaunders on February 12, 2003 at 22:47:39:

I went and purchased some Play Sand at Lowe's tonight. Should I bother rinsing the sand first so the water won't be so cloudy or will it not make a difference? I currently do not have a filter.

1) Yes, you want to rinse the sand...more for your benefit than the turtle. I usually put a pile of it in a salad mixing bowl and stir water around in it, pouring out the excess. After several times, it gets pretty clean. You can keep doing this until you have the desired amount of sand. A 1/2 cubic foot bag doesn't go as far as you'd think.

:Would the sand get picked up a lot with the filter or cause any problems?

2) I have my pump intake about an inch above the sand level. It still pickups up a fair amount of sand but with a 210 or 350 gph magnetic drive pond pump, it doesn't seem to hurt them. I'm sure it reduces the lifespan but I have one that's 2 years old in a sand tank and it's still going strong. Warning: this may completely ruin a commercial filter. You'll have to ask someone else about that.

:I believe I have a female because her nails aren't too long. I've attached a few pictures I took of her tonight. Can you tell by looking at any of the pics?

3) The nail trick only works with RES and Painteds. Take a picture of the bottom of the tail, when it isn't tucked in.

You can e-mail me directly, if you want...

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