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Help ATP assemble some great Softy Enclosure examples

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Posted by drrich2 on September 27, 2002 at 20:28:44:


One of the popular requests on turtle forums (Kingsnake and elsewhere) is a request to see other people's setups. A lot of newbies (& others) are either looking for ideas or just want to see what other creative enthusiasts are doing. There are a few places online to see setups, but usually just a very few.

And I have NEVER TO DATE seen a softshell setup online, with the sole exceptions of a custom setup Chris H. used for a Chinese setups, and a pic Tom C. had of a community tank with a male spiny. I'd like to see some great softshell setups readily available online. Let people contemplating the purchase know what's involved, you know?

Some of us at Austin's Turtle Page tumbled onto the idea of having a web page with a lot of hobbyist setups INCLUDING breakdowns of equipment involved & approximate cost. In other words, you don't just see a distance pic. of my 200 gallon tank; you can see what went into it, what I paid, and basically re-create it (or however much of it you want), should you be so inclined.

Help make this page a winner, and create a killer site we can refer people asking for setup examples to!

A thread explaining it with a link is at:

And if you want to see the few we've got so far, check out:


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