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Re: Just bought 2 new baby softshells. Need help!

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Posted by Steve on July 17, 2002 at 17:23:35:

In Reply to: Just bought 2 new baby softshells. Need help! posted by Tracie Andrews on July 12, 2002 at 19:32:33:

Hi -- First of all let me say that I hope you live in a warm climate because Florida Softies get HUGE. The male will end up being smaller and he will top out at over 12 inches. Females MUCH MUCH Larger. I doubt you will be able to give them an indoor enclosure suitable enough (if you end up with females.) Still they are wonderful and cute.

Get a suitable heater (and I would start them in as large a tank as you can) They will out grow 20 gallons (or this critter thing the petshop guy sold you) in no time.

Minnows, silver sides, trout chow, earth worms, reptomin are all suitable foods. Try and give them a variety.

Also -- be careful -- They tend to have a rather surly disposition.

There are many opinions regarding substrate for the bottom of the tank. Playsand is a good bet. Check previous posts regarding washing and prepping of the sand. Best of luck and if you are in a warm climate year round THINK OUTSIDE POND!! They will truly benefit from a proper prepared predator safe outdoor environment.


: Hi. I just bought 2 baby softshelled FL turtles. I have a 20 ft tank for them. The pet store owner talked me into getting a 'critter cage' instead of a 20 gallon fish tank because she says turtles need length not depth. I have an area set aside for them to bask (with a UV basking lamp). I feed them turtle pellets once a day. The pet store clerk told me that i didn't need a heater because the lamp would keep the water warm. It seems a bit too cold (around 76). One turtle swims and is active. One sits on the island and gazes at the basking lamp all day long. He will get into the water for short periods of times, his shell looks fine, and eats ok. Is this normal? How do you tell if they are girls or boys? When I bought them in FL, the clerk said that it was too early to tell. Is there anything else I need to get them? I have only had dogs so I am inclined to buy them a chew toy and talk baby talk. Help!

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