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Re: Roundworm parasite: I need help

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Posted by Minh on June 13, 2002 at 07:49:17:

In Reply to: Re: Roundworm parasite: I need help posted by nathan on May 22, 2002 at 07:10:50:

I have used a similar method to the one Nathan suggested. I smear some Panacur or Benzelmin on the end of some turtle sticks like Reptomin or Hikari Carnivorous Fish sticks. Then you stuff them inside the mouth of a goldfish, making sure none of the sticks are poking out of the mouth. You might have to stuff more than one foodstick into the mouth of the goldfish to prevent the fish from spitting them out. My matamatas do not know that anything is different at all. This is also a good way to supplement the matamata diet since these turtles usually refuse prepared dry turtle foods.

For a softshell, if they are eating dry foodsticks, just smear a little on their foodsticks and they might not notice the meds when they gobble it down.

If your turtle is not eating, you might have to stomach tube it. A good reptile vet can do this for you, with a softshell this might be dangerous and difficult. UNDERSTANDING REPTILE PARASITES by Roger Klingenberg , DVM is a great book on controlling parasites in captive reptiles.

Live feeder fish carry parasites. It would be better to feed your turtles pinky mice, beefheart, dry turtlefoods, frozen fish, mealworms instead.

Good Luck,



might be necessary to tube the meds down into the belly directly. That can be difficult with a turtle with such a long neck, so make sure a vet shows you how. Otherwise, I have taken a syringe with no needle, and injected the meds (paste form) into a goldfish. It's kind of gruesome, but if the meds are safe like panacure, you can cram a bit extra into a couple of fish, then feed him the fish. Some might come out in the gills of the fish or something, but it worked for me on some large turtles I had no desire to try and restrain and open the mouths of.

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