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No, the holes are quite deep and...

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Posted by Flavia Guimaraes on June 05, 2002 at 09:48:53:

In Reply to: Re: Thank you Steve.Yes I am in Malaysia. posted by Steve on May 31, 2002 at 13:02:56:

...they almost perforated the shell.I already sent by e-mail a photo to a VET in the USA and he confirmed it is a fungal or bacterial attack. He recommend me to spread BETADINE only over the holes. She is alive, eating and swimming as usual, but she is really skinny!


PS I didnt find CLEANSE in any local drugstore, but I didnt check the petshops.

: No I am in the U.S.. Check out the local Petshops for the CLEANSE. If not ask Joe on the pignose turtle site to give you the address of his friend who is a vet. He may be able to get you some. Also Flavia -- is the hole getting progressively deeper? My pignosed turtle gets bumps occaisionally on its shell and then they peel off and it look like a plastic dent. Then in a day or two it heals. Wondering if this is what you are experiencing.

: : As I didnt receive any answer until this morning yesterday I started again with Acriflavine.But as I told you before they didnt have those holes in the shell when I treated then with Acriflavine to combat fungus.I am not a doctor but I read somewhere that treatment against fungus may increase the quantity of bacteria.I ll contact the site you recommend me and check the local pharmacy for CLEANSE.There is good "Gardiens" here.
: : Are you in Singapore? A lot of Brazilians came from Singapore last saturday to watch the football match: Brazil x Malaysia (Brazil won:4x0)

: : Flavia

: :
: : : Flavia - go to this site and join this group. Post your request for info there. There is a product on the market in Singapore -- I don't know if it is available by you (you are in Malaysia right?)
: : : Any the product is called Cleanse and it is good for bacterial as well as fungal problems. If it is bacterial some form of antibiotic therapy is most likely necessary. Any way there are folks there who can help you out.

: : : Steve
: : :

: :
: : :
: : : : I bought a baby turtle few weeks ago with white fungus.I treated her with Acriflavine and she was OK.Then I found a small scar in her carapace the same place where the fungus were before the treatment.But the scar is getting bigger(it looks like white plastic) and it is almost perforating the shell.I didnt know what was happening with her until I read in the INTERNET about the "hole in the shell"disease.It looks like that?What can I do to save her? Should I start with the Acriflavine again? But I read also that the treatment against fungus can cause an increase in the bacteria.That's true? The "Hole in the Shell"is caused by bacteria or by fungus??
: : : : Flavia

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