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Softie question

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Posted by Steve on March 04, 2002 at 17:45:26:

Hi -- just wanted to put a question out to there and see if anyone has any thoughts. As I mentioned in my earlier posts (see diet for spiny softshell) I rescued this horribly damaged and sickly turtle a week ago and have been treating it for fungus and ulcerations. SHE (about 5 inches long and has a VERY short tail) is recovering nicely. Thanks to all of your helpful input on her diet I have been feeding her minnows silver sides and trout chow. (all of which has been readily taken). Her fungus has all sloughed off and her uclerations do not look that irritated and red around the edges anymore (the one on her back foot has scabbed nicely). The lacerations on her shell are healing too (yep -- poor thing was a mess!!).

My question is this -- How long should I keep her in the bare hospital tank (bare tank with a heater and a few gallons of water -- no filtration -- that I change daily add stress coat, aquarium salt and meds to) and set her up in a proper filtered environment with sand in it? Right now the water does not have a chance to foul up because I change it the second it looks bad. I figureed in her condition she needs to be kept as clean as possible. I am planning to set her up in a properly cycled aquarium but was wondering how long I should wait before moving her into this new tank. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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