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Posted by Covenant on December 30, 2002 at 23:13:59:

In Reply to: Re: Steve and Sk8r009 posted by SteveH on December 30, 2002 at 19:38:00:

Hey. Thanks for your answers guys. Any ways I havn't even had these turtles for 2 weeks yet and my large Alligator Snapper has gone through 3 to 5 dozen fish plus a couple cray fish. And really Sk8tr009 I'm not sure which he has eaten faster. Between the goldfish and the shiners. All I know is that I had four goldfish left this morning from putting like 3 or 4 dozen in there. So I decided to go to the warehouse I used to work at and get some more. But I didn't want to get goldfish. So I decided to risk getting shiners and hope they wouldn't die within a day. Well when I got back and dumped them into his tank with in ten minutes he ate 7 shiners. They were swiming all over the place and just kept running right up to him and he would snatch them up. I believe I started out with two and a half to three dozen shiners and now I only have 16 in the tank from almost 12 hours ago. The reason I'm not sure how many I got was because I just go to the warehouse and get them right out of the stock tanks they have them in. So I just dip a net in there and empty the net into a plastic bag and leave. I tried not to get too many shiners because I was worried they would die real fast but all of them are still alive. I also believe it has some thing to do with the water not haveing any chlorine in it. Since I use bottled water. Also I wonder if I gave him a mouse I wonder if that would help with the vitamins he needs. Dead of course and with out my room mate being here. She would freak out seeing a mouse in his tank. LOL She would think that's so cruel to feed him a mouse. I can get mice any time I want at this warehouse that I go to. They sell them to pet shops. The warehouse sells a little bit of every thing to pet shops all up and down the east coast and also they sell bait fish, and squid, and all kinds of worms all over the USA. That's their main product is worms. Their one of the largest suppliers of worms in the US. That's how these people made most of their money is through worms. I think that's kinda funny that they became multi millionare's through selling worms. LOL Any ways let me shut up now, I can talk for ever. Thanks for the feed back though.

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