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My guess is that they are females

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Posted by fugisnap on November 24, 2002 at 22:10:32:

In Reply to: Re: ask them j/k posted by mr_phew on November 24, 2002 at 09:30:24:

::All males regardless whether they are people or turtles will have an erection at least once per day to retain the ability to become erect. In people, the brain sends a message out to the penis to become erect usually before the person wakes up or just upon waking. It is the same with all animals. If the tissue does not become erect on a regular basis, it soon loses the ability to do so. In most animals the brain controls this function unconsciously.


:That is, unless, they suffer from erectile dysfunction...

I`ve owned them for at least 3-4 years now and NEVER saw any erections or anything remotely close. so I`m guessing they are both female. As far as the checking the cloaca being closer/farther from the carapace, I have no idea how to check on that, the 2 of them look the same to me. thanks for your help

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