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Re: sk8r009 PLease any information you have

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Posted by sk8r009 on November 20, 2002 at 13:53:50:

In Reply to: sk8r009 PLease any information you have posted by Darkhaven on November 20, 2002 at 12:26:52:

basically the key to ally snappers, especially when you first get them, is to give them lots of cover and underwater obstructions. i like to use driftwood, water plants, smooth rocks(you should be able to rub on your face without scratching). these turtle like to feel secure and they feel invisible among varies bottom debris. in an outdoor pond setup its alot easier to set-up a natural environment, plus you have the added benifit of natural sunlight. as far a water cleanliness, a small home depot type pond can be cleaned about every 10 days by just dumping the water out, or you can get high-tech and filter it. home depot and various other garden stores carry varying calibers of pond filter. youll want to be on the more powerful end of the scale. remember, when these turtles get big, they make turds as big as ours.(sorry for the visual). now, as for indoor enclosures, your going to need to drag out the big guns where filtration is concerned. no one likes to see a big poopy swamp in your living room. i would suggest having the aquarium somewhere near your garage in a way so that you can use your pond filter(filters) and run the big filter tank and tubing out into the garage for easy cleaning. sounds like alot of work, and it is. but, these awesome animals are worth all your efforts. anyone here on this forum can attest to that. just remember, do everything you can to make the turtle comfortable, for the first week, keep your interactions at a minimum. snappers are very shy and tend to not eat for a little while when introduced to a new environment. good luck and post pics of your turtle.


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