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Re: Tank size alligator snapper

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Posted by MiserMike on March 27, 2003 at 15:02:45:

In Reply to: Tank size alligator snapper posted by hraaij on March 25, 2003 at 07:11:00:


:Can anybody tell me what the minimum tank size should be where I can keep 2 alligator snapper hatchling for say the next ten years? Would I need a big basking area?

The drawback with changing tanks is having to buy a series of increasingly larger setups, but a tank big enough for ten years of growth will be too big for them to find food easily now. MiserMike keeps most of his animals in Sterilite or Rubbermaid storage boxes in various sizes. They are much cheaper than glass tanks, adequately translucent, and much easier to clean, being lighter, less fragile, and not having sharp corners and edges. I can get by with minimal filtration, by using no gravel and by simply dumping the old water more frequently than I'd do with a planted setup. I do float something easy to clean to provide a hiding area for an ally, but common snappers don't seem to like / need it, and mine never climb out and bask, even outdoors in summertime.

:Can you post a picture of your tank so I can get an idea?
Nothing much to see, really.

:Thanks in advance.


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