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Re: Acutally...I'm in Ontario, Canada (more)

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Posted by Sherri on April 14, 2003 at 09:55:26:

In Reply to: Acutally...I'm in Ontario, Canada (more) posted by icequeen on April 14, 2003 at 08:15:07:

I would assume that the laws would be the same but i'm not sure & I don't know where to tell you to look. I'm certain someone else here will be able to give you that information.

The black 'stubs' certainly does sound like dry gangrene, unfortunately. I will also add that in the case of my PTS that had this problem, I just arranged the branches less vertically & notched them at 1-2" intervals for better traction. I have chosen to keep her in this 'handicapped friendly' quarantine enclosure not because she doesn't get around well (she really does, believe it or not!) but because I want to see her put on more weight & it's easier to monitor that when she's by herself. ( I have 9 other PTS)

The good news is that depending on where you are in Ontario, I have a good friend & one of the few people I would consider a PTS expert right near the border. I will get a hold of her ASAP to see if collectively we might be able to do something to help. My e-mail address is lizardmisfits if you would like to confer about this privately. Again, I appreciate what you've done to bring this to our attention! Hopefully we can get something going....


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