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Got a three ft. Nile croc and Ive never shipped one before.

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Posted by crocogator on November 06, 2002 at 23:12:23:

Actually Ive never have shipped any animal before. Well here's the situation. Im just now in the process of getting a divorce. Ive had my croc for a year and a half. He had a great set up and winter shelter. I planned on keeping him for ever. But then again I also planned on keeping my wife for ever aswell. Go figure. I believe my wife will be keeping the house. So I Can't keep him their because my wife will most likely shoot him dead just to get to me. I really don't want to sell off my Krusty, but it seems I really don't have much of a choice. At the moment he is ok living back at my parents home in a makeshift shelter i set up. But I can't keep him here for long. My dad isn't exactly thrilled about his stay here. So I really have no choice but to sell him off. I havn't found a buyer yet nor have I posted an add. But if I do find a buyer who isn't local, how do i ship him? And should I be aware of any laws that might prohibit the shipping of such an animal, esp. accross state lines? And might it be a problem to ship him in cold weather? Ive read in some of these other postings about using heat packs. How long do these things actually stay warm? What do I ship him in? Any helpful info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, DG

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