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Posted by Rick Staub on April 08, 2003 at 02:12:12:

In Reply to: Re: what next, oxygen masks?? posted by Roy Stockwell on April 06, 2003 at 23:55:21:

near stagnant puddles they drink out of in the wild. Talk about swimming with microorganisms! I once found a Pacific tree frog that was calling from the bottom of a large trash bin where about 6-8 inches of water had collected amongst the trash. He was awfully proud.

:I also have used nothing but tap water for 25 years. I think some of us are becoming a tad paranoid.
:Probably city air, having a smoker in the house, painting, getting new carpet, air fresheners, vinyl in the house...etc, etc, is all equally or more dangerous
:than tap water...then how about all the bacteria on thawed mice, and in the gut of live ones
:I think its becoming silly when we are giving Evian water to serpents, while enjoying them in a carpetted freshly painted room, while having a cigarette.( I don't smoke but lots still do)

::I have also used tap water for my herps for over 25 years now. I have a CA Kingsnake that is 26 years old and a ball python that is over 20 years old and still reproductive and have never had a problem.

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