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Ok, looks like I'm ready for my Rosy Boa...last questions

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Posted by Nicodemus on March 08, 2003 at 12:02:30:

Ok, so I think I'm done. Here are my last questions.

1) Whats a good humidity? It looks like my old humidity guage was messed up some how and reading a good 10-15% higher than normal. The one I have now is reading about 38%. Sound good?

2) I bought my credenza dimmer and hooked it up. Looks like its working fine. Now here is what I am finding...
If the dimmer is turned up high, the glass bottom (under the substrate) is still very hot 100+ F, but the surface temperature is around the perfect 87-90 F. But if I turn it down so the glass is no more than 95 F, the surface only reaches around 82 F.

So what is better? Hope the snake doesn't burrow much and have a good surface temp? Or should I leave the surface temp a bit low and let the snake burrow if it wants to be warmer? snakes have preferences from snake to snake (ie should I wait to see if the snake prefers not to burrow) ?

3) Lastly I could have SWORN I read somewhere that when getting a new snake, you should leave it pretty much isolated for a week to let it get settled in. I can't seem to find anything on this now.
This the general concensus?

Are there any other suggestions anyone can give me to keep stress at a minimum?

Any other suggestions in general besides those found inthe care sheets?

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