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Re: Ok why am I having so much dang trouble finding a dimmer?!?

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Posted by heartsx2 on March 04, 2003 at 19:58:06:

In Reply to: Ok why am I having so much dang trouble finding a dimmer?!? posted by Nicodemus on March 04, 2003 at 19:42:23:

I got a Repti-Temp 500R Thermostat from Zoomed. Recommended by the best on this forum:) One end plugs into the wall and the other plugs into the heat pad. Just watch the thermometer in the tank and adjust to the right temp. It turns the heat pad on and off to keep it at the right temp. I bought mine at The exact link is:

:I can't buy a dimmer switch that has to be installed in a wall...its not my wall....
:I don't want a screw-in lamp dimmer. I want a dimmer that plugs into a standard wall socket.
:I don't want a touch dimmer. I want a rotary dimmer that I can tell in one look if 100% of the power is flowing, or 50%.
:I dont want a remote switch. Those tend not to show how much power is running through a heat pad. A lamp would be easy to see, but not a heat pad.
:Plus I would like something that is less than 30 bucks.

:Why can't I just find something that looks like a simple extention cord with a little dial on it?

:Anyone have any brands I should look at? I've been searching various stores and the web all over all day.

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