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Things to consider ...

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Posted by en on April 19, 2003 at 21:17:57:

In Reply to: Hey everyone - Have a question . . . :o) posted by ScarletFever on April 19, 2003 at 17:42:47:

I know quite a bit about satanics as well as cresteds so maybe I can give you some reasons to support the idea of why not to do so.

Although both have important humidity requirements, the satanics need a much higher level than the cresteds. The average humidity you need to maintain for phantasticus is about 80%, which is a little overkill for cresteds. Because cresteds live with the humid sea-breeze in nature, there is a relative high humidity, but much is swept away with the wind. Whereas, satanics need the constant high temperatures.

Also, for temperature, all uroplatus need to be kept in the mid to low 70's with the temperatures rarely, if ever raising to 80. And the cooler the better. With cresteds, a prolonged decrease in temperature to the high 60's low 70's is most likely going to create a loss of appetite and lethargy.

Approximately 99.9% of phantasticus are wildcaught, and due to their frail nature are often spared the use of flagyl and panacur (used to eliminate parasites). If they aren't properly treated, your crested is going to become infested with the same parasites, and one, if not both will die shortly thereafter.

Finally, for food, you'll run into a major problem. Cresteds are a much more active hunter, seeking out and tracking down their pray. Whereas satanics are sit and wait ambushers. If you release crickets into the enclosure, your satanic will probably never see any of those crickets. And if you do decide to bowl feed (what most uroplatus keepers do) your crested will still get to the bowl first and keep your satanic from eating.

BTW, cresteds can get pretty big, and a smaller, say 3-4" phantasticus would be a tasty meal for an adult crested.

Yeah, there are always instances where different animals can be kept together successfully, but for the other 90% of the time you're setting yourself up for dissappointment.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I wouldn't advise doing this, plus, you might want to pass the info along to your friend.

Good Luck, and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me.


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