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Re: Long time no see! But I have some very bad news :(

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Posted by psychemjr on April 15, 2003 at 08:09:51:

In Reply to: Long time no see! But I have some very bad news :( posted by RhacsRsweet on April 14, 2003 at 21:33:19:

:Yeah it's been a long time. My computer has been screwed up and just recently I got it fixed. Now for the bad news. About a month ago I started to notice that one of my cresties was acting very strange. It wasn't eating and was moving very strangely. It died a few days later. I was very confused because it use to be so healthy. Well a week later I started noticing that the rest started to get sick. I was freaking out, and there are no vets that deal with reptiles anywhere close. Then everything went down hill. They started to die! I have no idea what killed them all. I know it had to be some sort of virus or something, but I have no clue as to what it was. Because of that incident I have thrown all of my cages out that housed the cresties and aurics. If anyone has any idea what could be the cause please help. This is very sad and has made me loose a lot of money($425 for all my cresties and $125 for my rubbermaid cages). Now I'm saving money so that I can hopefully get some more.

:One thing that I should note is that the one that died first is from LLLReptile. I'm not saying that the virus came from there, but it is just something that you might want to be aware of.

I am sorry about your Rhacs and about your wallet. I have been to LLLreptile when I was stationed in San Diego, and even though they are clean they are still a pet store. Like you said not to say it was their animals that had some sort of virus but you get what I mean. How long did you have that one anyway?

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