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Re: For those of you that breed cresteds...

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Posted by Pauline on September 26, 2002 at 05:17:58:

In Reply to: Re: For those of you that breed cresteds... posted by Silly-atus fan on September 25, 2002 at 19:56:01:

Hi, thanks for your help- you've given me lots of useful info, and lots to think about.

I was devastated yesterday.. when I got home, I found that the second egg from the second clutch had also began sweating and made no progress... another DIS ;( (so, in total out of my cresteds first 4 eggs, I had one hatch- which is doing great, and 3 DIS). I feel really terrible, and hope I can improve alot of things for next season.

I mentioned this in my response to the "too much calcium" post.. but will ask here too... Is it possible that the egg shells were too hard to get out of? I'm used to leo eggs, and was surprised by how hard shelled the crested eggs were- could it be that as its her first attempt at egg laying that my female just overdid the calcium?... or is it normal for the eggs to be more hard?

Thanks so much for your ideas, the photos were useful. I know there are things I can improve on for next season, the humidity of the vermiculite is one thing I'll pay close attention too, its possible I over did the water the second time I added it (as I had originally let it get too dry, the eggs were starting to dent a little.. and I guess its possible I went from having it too dry to too wet).

I will definitely also be paying close attention to her supplementation.... how do you make sure they get enough calcium? Its fairly easy with my leos because they eat the crix as soon as I put them in the tank.. but I guess with the cresteds there's more hiding places for the crix, and more time for the crix to rid themselves of the vitamins/calcium they were dusted with prior to being used... I do mix calcium and once a week, vits into the cresteds babyfood, but I'm wary about overdoing it. I think some guidance on how everyone else supplements might be useful to me.

-Would cresteds use a calcium dish like I have for my leos?

Thanks again,

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