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Re: we decided to name the auric Sierra..

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Posted by STARMOM on January 15, 2003 at 20:41:48:

In Reply to: Wild Isn't It >>> posted by leprachaun13 on January 14, 2003 at 21:54:49:

as a compromise for my 4 y.o. dtr, she has a fav cousin Ciara that we all call C.C., and she worships the ground her cousin walks on and has wanted to name EVERY pet C.C. as it is she has decided that our large male leopared gecko "Dale" is HER lizard, she carefully takes him out and wraps him in her baby blanket and talks to him, she is very sweet! and of course she is supervised. But Ian its strange, I keep almost all critters that could potentially lose a tail, leo's and the crested abby that we have had since a hatchling, and the "tail thing" NEVER happened my fav. jungle leo's Sasha is crawling down my back, she is BY FAR the most amazing animal! gorgeous, friendly,outgoing, SWEET! When she wakes up she comes to the top of her log and stands on her back legs and cannot run into my hand FAST ENOUGH! I posted a photo on the leo board and this fellow from tx wanted her to breed, no amount of money would EVER be enough!!!!! we are buddies for life! and I wont be suprised If my eldest will try to talk me out of her someday for herself! LOL!

Anyway, now IM rambling LOL! where were we? hey anyone keep dumpy frogs? aka whites frogs? we saw some at the show and im alittle intreuiged (sp?) My mom loves frogs I would love to set her up with a vivarium and a dumpy frog, also a co worker wants me to investigate and help her do the same for her granddaughter...they seem to have alot of personality!

attached a pic of Sasha a few months ago...

Its ok that you got a chuckle out of my drama, I was sad/amazed/astounded at the same time in that moment, sad it happened, as a scientist of sort couldnt take my eyes off this wriggling tail that seemed to have a "life of its own" one of those "freaky" moments in life where you are not sure you are really seeing and experencing what you are.

I dont want to have that experience again!

b.t.w. I guess aurics dont lose their tails then...wheew !..............


:Some afternoons I'll walk in on one of my little guys, and he'll be snow white with orange flecks all over.
:Then, I watch him at night, and he gets these black lines that shoot straight across his back.

:Hey, Starmom, does the little gargoyle have a name yet? Since I don't keep cresteds I have know experience with dropping tails, sounds kind of creepy. It's a shame that he may not look the same, but now he's a crested with a fashion statement. By the way, it seems like a terrible thing to say, but when I read your post about Jesse losing his tail, I couldn't help but laugh. It may seem insensitive, but I was laughing because your reaction only shows how much you really care about your animals, and that's a good thing. Maybe Jesse dropping his tail is a sign. A sign that you should start working with Leachies instead of those easily frightened cresties, LOL.

:Good Luck with the animals


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