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Pics of my FTS adult female...

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Posted by Lyn on January 14, 2003 at 19:16:57:

In Reply to: whats floppy tail??????????? posted by crestedcham on January 11, 2003 at 12:25:51:

I've heard a combo of what's been said before, lack of Calcium and/or lack of verticle climbing branches. I honestly do not know but make sure I dust all of their crickets with Calcium and have a lot of verticle branches and logs. I also have several of the verticle logs covered with silk plants so they can sit on them and be hidden. So far neither of the 2 hatchlings I purchased in July have developed FTS (knock on wood). I did however purchase an adult female who already had it. She was hanging upside down in the display tank every time I saw her at the store. She also hung upside down when I first got her home and for the first few months. She's lately taken to hanging out on the logs more than the glass but I don't think it's a reversable condition.

Here is a pic taken the day I got her. I drew lines to show the angle of her hips compared to the base of her tail. I know she's curled up in the deli making it hard to tell, but her tail hangs in that direction regardless if she's curled up or not. The area between her hip and tail on the left side is a much shorter distance than the area between her hip and tail on the right side.

I was heartbroken when I got her out of the tub and realized there was something wrong with her tail. I'd never heard of FTS and didn't know what was wrong with her. But she had the sweetest personality there was no way I could take her back and chose another (they had 3 females total that I had picked from).

Here is another pic of her.

Here she is hanging on the glass with my two younger Cresties. You can see her tail flops much more to the side than that of the baby.

Normally when my other 3 Cresties hang upside down, they anchor their tails straight up using the little 'sticky' patch on the end to hold the tails up.

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