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Re: Hi, I dont think you are being ignored.........

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Posted by STARMOM on September 23, 2002 at 20:32:53:

In Reply to: Could someone please help me? Why is everyone ignoring me?np posted by GECKOFREAK on September 23, 2002 at 20:16:28:

But I think that people have tried to answer your questions and then asked you for more specifics.........and I dont think you asked really specific questions about specific things like what specific manufactured/product do you recommend for example a calcium supplement.

Im fairley new to leopard geckos (have three now) and my crested abby that I have had around 5 weeks.

I have her in a l0 gallon (for now because she is a baby) tank with a human heating pad (that I dont need right now because in upstate NY its still pretty nice weather and her tank holds at around 75 by itself..) paper towel substrate (i tried the bed a beast for the humidity, but it got stinky, and the crickets were hiding and breeding, not to mention i couldnt tell where she was pooping and peeing so cleaning was more difficult....the paper towels for me for baby lizards are the safest/easiest way to go my baby leopards are also on paper towel....

I have a soft vine that i have a silk leaf vine wrapped around (abby almost dissappears in there, she is so tiny) and another soft (from the pet store) climbing branch.

I keep a water dish (not too deep) and I use the bottom of paper cups that I cut down with a lip of like 1/4 inch for the baby food and I also just added a small dish of day gecko food until the crested gecko food comes out, I also get 1/4 or smaller sized crickets and throw in a few every few days..

as far as plants lots of people on this particular page have mentioned that pothos sp? is a very safe plant.

I think that you have to get the basics and just start setting up things, get your temp/humidity gages so you can put this thing together and make sure you have the right conditons, before you have the crested put in your substrate, plants, climbing objects and see how the conditions are so your home will be ready.

there will be some give and take until it looks/work/feels right.

no one can give you the exact answers for what will work for you only the general rules that seem to work for people.

i suggest you follow the link further down for the article that allen wrote and read that too.

I hope this helps.....from reading all the posts on this forum and going back to the gecko forum and using the search putting in crested gecko you should be able to answer most of your questions.

good luck

:Ill get dissed 4 this but i just am wondering if u guyz r pissed at me

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