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Re: Um Robert.............

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Posted by mikecoscia on November 08, 2002 at 08:16:59:

In Reply to: Re: Um Robert............. posted by Gex-anon on November 07, 2002 at 17:17:37:

Rob, i agree with you on the last part. The average keeper does not clean on a daily basis and if they used our methods they might have a problem. Like everyone knows, just because it works for one person does not mean it will work on the next. As far as water pooling on the bottom and next to feces, never happens in my cages. I do not spray any of my animals except the hatchlings and for them its only during the first couple of days (so there really is no fecal matter). And what you say for the floor also goes for the walls. As we both know cresties like to poop on the walls. When you spray water in the cage it forms drops on the walls just as easily on the ground. And just like the groud they can drink water that is dripping over feces. So the potential exsits in both cases. However bare plastic can not harbor bacteria, at least not in a number that would harm the gecko. Add water and feces, okay then you have the potenital for big problems. But like i said if you spray, spray lightly, the cage should not be soaking wet. When its wet thats when you get problems weather you have substrate or not.

As far as stress goes, none of my animals have ever had a problem. They eat and reproduce like wildfire. Hatchlings grow at a fast rate and are equally just as piggish. True they do sleep on the ground often. However in my case they sleep under the leaves that are closest to the ground. Even when i have paper towels i rarely see them under it. In my experince tho i have noticed that they tend to sleep on the bottom when they lack climbing space. For example when they first hatch they always sleep on the branches under leaves. As they get bigger they tend to sleep on the ground more. However when i move them up to bigger cages they go back to the branches and the cycle repeats. My adults having a lot of climbing area covered with thick vegtation rarely sleep on the ground. I do not know if you have witnessed something similar, but it is something i have seen again and again, and have put a lot of thought into.

Anyway just some more of my thoughts. And your right thats what this forum is for, to share our opinions and give others new ideas...=).

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