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Re: Do you guys give your crested's regular baths?

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Posted by G Quirk on October 25, 2002 at 05:16:58:

In Reply to: Re: Do you guys give your crested's regular baths? posted by RHACO-JACKO on October 24, 2002 at 15:30:11:


#1 my info comes from years and generations of healthly Crested Geckos.The only mistake in my post was the use of the word natural. In captivity with the types of enclosures most often used, if a person were to try to maintain 70%-80% humidity 24hrs a day in the enclosure, it would be a dank,bacteria laden cage that would cause respitory and skin problems( you see the average keeper does not have an ocean breeze to keep humidity up and wetness down like lets say the "Isle of Pines")Crested are most easily kept and breed in my experiance with 30%-40% room humidity with misting a few times a week and plenty of well hydrated crickets and babyfood/yogurt.The information I give then must work/be true for I have plenty of healthy breeders/babies and so do the people that have purchased and followed the same regime for the past 6 years.My biggest point is that Cresteds are geckos, they are not dogs or cats and do not need baths.

I'm not sure where your getting your info., but cresteds do require a relative high humidity. On New Caledonia the humidity will vary from 70-80% throughout the year (thats pretty high in my book) with temperatures that range from 67-79F throughout the year. So please, before you post do some research and get the facts straight. Alot of the people that post here do so for a reason and would like correct information. The information you post may or may not be used. If bad information is taken under consideration by a new crested owner, the cresdted will bare the consequence. So please do your research or don't reply. Sorry if my post comes off strong, but bad info. is not good for anyone. Were all trying to learn from each other.Jack
:::Do you guys give your crested's regular baths?

::Absolutely not, what would the gain be? They are not a dog/cat. There natural environment is not that humid either.


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