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Personality changes in retics

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Posted by Sybella on May 06, 2003 at 15:11:44:

In Reply to: Personality changes in retics posted by Francis Tan on May 06, 2003 at 06:19:02:

I've had a female retic for 19 years. The only time I've seen her be agressive (other than her normal feeding response which I have to diffuse every time I open her cage door LOL!)is when she's been mishandled. My father and my ex held her one time each and they both made the same mistake. They squeezed too tight and she struck. I blame them, not my retic. They weren't experienced at holding snakes and didn't realize that you must let them think they're still in charge, that you have to offer resistance and security, not a vice grip. LOL! It takes a certain touch and snakes know the difference.

I've always been able to touch her all over, open her mouth, etc...basically, do whatever I want with her. However, I have noticed that sometimes, she's not in the mood to be touched. Whenever I go to pick up a snake, I always give them a bit of petting first so that I don't startle them with my touch when I lift them. When she doesn't want to be touched, she makes it quite obvious...she tries to fling my hand off of her. It's very funny! But if I didn't know her so well, it would probably scare the you know what out of me. LOL!

In my opinion, retics have an undeserved bad reputation based on their feeding response and mishandling. I believe that if you develop a relationship with any snake and stick with it (and don't hit it in the head with a snake hook. LOL!), you'll have a good pet for life.

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