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Strange behavior?

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Posted by bloomindaedalus on May 11, 2003 at 15:28:39:

In Reply to: Strange behavior? posted by OkGood on May 10, 2003 at 16:39:22:

yeah the slider is courting the softie. the softie is probably feaked out (and might bite in defense)
any nasking turtle will sexually harass anything that remotely resembles their kind. I have sliders that chases painteds and a pair of MALE diamondbacked terrapins which court each other all day long. There are lots of stories of box turtles and some small tortoises courting rocks, balls and shoes. If you want to solve it, get an appropriate female. Its not usually harmful to let them chase the other ones around but sometimes the chased turtles becomes stressed and stop eating and live in a state of minor fear. So watch it and since you have a softie (the gravel burying is a natural hide thing for them, as i guess you know, has nothing to do with mating)which can bite pretty seriously , you might wanna watch out for the slider-suitor. Probbaly not the best mix of species anyway, The softie might do better with a sand substrate and shallower water. How old (large) are thee turtles?



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