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Just some to start parasite free colony

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Posted by maggie on May 02, 2003 at 08:53:41:

In Reply to: Feeders,snails,anacharis posted by Garret_L on May 01, 2003 at 17:19:45:

29 gallons sounds more than terms of lighting many folks will buy special lights for anacharis garden get natural sunlight a few hours a week and room plants are awesome with the Jungle Lab Fizz Tabs which add fertilizers and just a bit of C02 (inexpensive too)...I bought 30 strands of anacharis off of ebay to start with and a couple of lead strips to secure them

*if you use lead strips your water cannot become acidic...if it does the lead will be released into the water making it poisonous to your fish and turtle (so you may want to float the plants, use a veggie clip, or plastic twist thingies for vegetables)

I've owned mystery (pomacea bridgesii) and red ramshorn snails as pets...the mystery snails if your turtle decides to eat them would be pretty hard...their shells can get thick so it would be a painful death for the snail and may even cause choking for your turtle (in the wild RES eat bite sized snails anyways) stick to smaller snails such as ramshorns or tadpole snails (with a spiral shell) warning is SNAILS and FISH may harbor parasites...AND they can swap parasites so you have to be sure that the fish and snails are worm free check out the link below as a source for starting out on a clean snail culture...the seller is a fish pathologist so he knows what he is doing

:I wanted to start a tank for raising feeders like rosey reds, some anacharis and maybe some snails. Anyone have any links or suggestions for equipment? Id probably be using a 29 gallon tank. I used to have a link that had tips for raising all three on one page but can't find it anymore. Thanks!

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