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water plants

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Posted by wendy on May 01, 2003 at 20:38:09:

In Reply to: water plants posted by dsres on April 30, 2003 at 23:10:52:

With Anachris setup a small tank outside or with a good plant inside and pot the plants from the petstore. Let them get established and clip off want you want to feed to them, that way you have a renewable source of food.
With Water Hyacinth set up an outside container and place a few plants in it, they will grow pretty quickly (lift them up every couple of days and swish the roots around to keep them clean. There are a couple of ways to feed them, if you have a lot of plants you can just give them the whole plant to eat, in that case I would remove the root system because it will make a big mess and possibly clog your filter. The other option is to offer them the plant let them eat it to a point where it will regrow and then remove it If you have a number of plants you can rotate them and also have a renewable food source without buying more. Water Hyacinth will die inside unless you have really good lighting.

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