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Posted by jimsworld on April 29, 2003 at 17:09:47:

In Reply to: HELP!!! IM NEW!! I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED HERE!! EMERGENCY! posted by JohannStrauss on April 29, 2003 at 10:06:35:

:Hi, i recently went to a chinatown and bought 2 red ear slider. I have had them for 2 weeks, and one of them is extremely sick!!!! One of the red ear slider, never open its eyes and hardly ever moves around. And today, he pooped something bloody out. IT'S NOT FECES i know that, it looks like an organ, with a blood vessel going to it. I had my brother looked at it, he said it looked like a liver!!!! anyways please help?? what could this be...

It sound to me like a perforated intestine, or a lower abdominal hemorrhage. Usually what happens is the abdominal wall of the turtle does not form fully and allows for seperation of lower organs...This would explain the closed eyes too...I would guess that it is the result of inbreeding of species. The blood is from seperated tissue around the lower intestines. There is not much that can be done for a turtle in this state. Introduce a turtle sulfer block to them both and keep an eye on both of them...I do not feel that this is a contagious infection. I have seen what you describe multiple times. They can sometimes overcome this with age, but it's not likely...Good luck...See your vet to verify what you have...

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