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Re: UVB?

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Posted by jimsworld on April 12, 2003 at 10:19:17:

In Reply to: UVB? posted by turtleyman on April 11, 2003 at 23:15:02:

Ok..UVB or UltraViolet Bandwidth is neccessary for vitamin D production in all reptiles. If you were to look closely at the head of any herp you will see a small dot or photocell that helps the reptile regulate the UV needed. Sunlight is fine for this provided that the turtle is outside. Glass will refract the UV bands. Using a flourecent bulb for UV requires that the bulb be from 10 to 15 inches from the reptile. If mercury vapor lighting is used, it requires that it be at least 18 inches from the reptile. Remember, glass refracts the UV light.. So glass tops cannot be used. Nor is being near a window going to allow the sun to help. There is a small level of wavelengths needed for this production. The scale ranges from 275 to 325 nanometers. Check the charts on bulbs before you purchase them to make sure they are in this range. There are a lot of incadecent bulbs that boast they produce this range. Most if not all incadecents are incapable of this range.. I hope this answers your question. Heaters can help...But room temperature is also just fine along with a good basking light..This will allow your herp to regulate their own body temps...

:i went to a store that had alot of turtles (exotic, and RES) and i asked the man if i needed a UVB light and/or a submergable heater (which i already have and use). He said that sunlight, and UVB lights give the turts vitamin D3 which they need. should i use both, or.....? thanks

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