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Re: Babies and China town

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Posted by kiwiturtle on April 11, 2003 at 13:57:21:

In Reply to: Re: Babies and China town posted by maggie on April 10, 2003 at 21:38:06:

Turtles are by no means the major food source of the Chinese. Thanks for pointing that out. :-) Turtles are _generally_ regarded by the Chinese as a symbol of longevity and revered. I suspect that perhaps turtles' longevity makes some people want to consume them so that they can enjoy a long life?! Sounds rather foolish if it were true but people are entitled to their beliefs.

That apart, just because one culture affixes an emotional value to certain species of animals doesn't make another culture amoral for consuming them. Otherwise we'd all be vegetarians (and some people are for this reason). I would think as long as the animals are not near the brink of extintion and not left to suffer during the killing process etc. then it's ok. That's my personal take.

:Chinatown is a label for ethnic enclaves which exist in many major cities here in the U.S. For example Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and Chicago all have Chinatowns. It is also where turtles are consumed by humans and where many people purchase and sell baby turtles illegally. Not all Chinese people eat turtles in fact while I was in China and THailand I visited countless temples and their turtle sanctuary ponds. Not all Chinatowns are filled with Chinese either in fact many of these ethnic enclaves are filled with various Asians.

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