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Grains of salt

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Posted by Menolly on April 09, 2003 at 11:20:26:

Hi all. I want to thank everyone who helped me a few weeks ago when I posted a new-turtle-owner-panic message. I also wanted to advise everyone to let your primary resource be your vet, always, and not to rely heavily on any other sources.

I hadn't taken Bob, my RES, to a vet, since the pet store said they had a consulting vet. Funny how "consulting" means that, if an animal is obviously on the edge of death, they will bring it to that vet. it does not mean a vet has certified every animal in the store as healthy! Had I known this my turtle might not be as sick as he is now -- he's septic (infection in every organ and bloodstream), has pneumonia, and has two parasites, one common, one much less so. (Thanks to those who warned me about these things on the forum).
So check your new pet with a vet, especially if you have concerns.

My vet is wonderful (anyone in MA who needs one shoot me an email and I'll shoot you his info), and he told me something about UVB that I wanted to pass on.
UVB light, he said, is highly overrated. Lizards, because they evolved spending a lot of time in the sun and having no obstructions to skin absorbtion (like a shell), use lots and lots of vitamin D3, which is synthesized thanks to UVB light. Turtles conserve D3, so there's less need for UVB -- take him outside sometimes and don't worry about getting an expensive bulb so much. He said he'd only seen 2 turtles in his entire career who has D3 deficiencies.

Peace out. Wish me luck as I embark on a long month of administering antibiotic injections (Bob never tried to bite me til I started pulling on his legs) and force-feeding deworming solution...

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