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Posted by Chance on April 29, 2003 at 10:08:12:

In Reply to: Congratulations posted by sybella on April 29, 2003 at 01:48:00:

:That's so nice of you, Chance! Send me an email and I'll send you her pic. :)

:She's a CB 2001, about 4 feet long and oh so sweet in temperment! She's paler than any other I've ever seen. As you'll see from the picture, she's almost black and white near her head. The back half of her body is more golden and brown but not near as dark as the other FWCs I've seen.

She sounds very nice. You can go check out a couple pictures of my female (Aurora) on my website, Just click Pictures and I'm sure you'll spot her in no time. She's a very yellow snake, in fact more so than any other FWC I've ever seen. Her mate (Aeolus, odd names, eh?) is much more typically colored, being more of a creamy grayish with blackish banding. My guys are both around 5 to 6', and very heavy. So, I just have to ask, how is the feeding responce in your female? Unreal, or what? Mine go completely nutso. In fact, when feeding my male (the female is much better about this), I have to be very careful when lifting the lid to his enclosure, because more often than not he just comes flying up out of the enclosure snapping at anything that moves. I've had my toes chased around the snake room once, and that was enough to make me realize to always wear heavy shoes when feeding these guys.

In fact, that same male once acted as quite the little mouser for me. I had a mouse accidentally be dropped inside the snake room, and knowing that the doors and all were sealed and the mouse couldn't escape, I decided to test to see just how crazy Aeolous can be. I just pointed him in the right direction (the mouse had ran in behind one of my racks) and within about 10 seconds, the mouse was no more. So who needs cats when you've got false water cobras? lol Anyway, just thought I'd relate that story to you. Just always be careful when handling your girl. I'm sure you've noticed by now that they don't seem incredibly comfortable being lifted off the ground, and may struggle, though I've never had one actually try to bite when I did this. However, they will most definitely try to bite if food or food scent is in the equation. They aren't supposed to be lethal by any means, but if one got you pretty well, you'd likely experience some local pain and swelling, as well as possibly a bit of nausia and lethargy. Those were the symptoms described to me by a friend who's big female FWC nailed him good, anyway.

I shot you an e-mail a little bit ago, so I look forward to seeing your pictures and helping you get them posted.

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