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Re: i got my green vine snake today...

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Posted by Chance on April 08, 2003 at 14:04:43:

In Reply to: i got my green vine snake today... posted by herboyracer on April 08, 2003 at 12:17:57:

:its really nice...its about 4' long and very inquisitive...beautiful snake though...anybody have any odds and ends tips for keeping them...other than what i might know already...

Congrats on your delve into keeping vines. They are very interesting snakes. I kept one for a short time, and found it to be very prone to displaying it's neck colors (inflating) but not at all prone to biting. They're so fragile though that a bite would be miniscule at best. And they are rear-fangs, but very poor delivery systems and relatively weak venom makes them pretty safe to handle (though gloves might be a good idea if you're affraid of a possible allergic reaction). Mine ate lots of anoles during its time here, so try to have prey on standbuy frequently. Anoles are very easy to keep and take care of, unfortunately they only lay 1 egg at a time usually so reproduction would be slow, and it would take a huge colony to maintain even one vine in this way. Anyway, good luck with the new snake! It's an adult so I assume it's w.c. (almost all are), so be sure to get it de-parasitized, two treatments two weeks apart.

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