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Prasina Pic

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Posted by henry on February 18, 2003 at 22:32:26:

In Reply to: Re: Various Kinds of vine Snakes posted by henry on February 17, 2003 at 18:10:12:

Yes, I forgot A. nasuta.

What is known about A. mycterizans? I'm not sure, except that they are often caught with A. prasina and will interbreed with same if you don't be careful. As I say, I have only the one mycterizans and he's been an easy keeper.

:There are several that go by the common name, Vine Snake. Oxybellus is native to North America and seems easier to keep than the others. Thelotornis is African and very venomous, Chironius from Ecuador and I don't know a thing about them.

:The Asian Vine Snakes include two commonly kept species Ahaetulla prasina and A. mycterizans. Here is an upset A. prasina. They inflate their skin over most of the body when upset and reveal the checkerboard pattern of the skin under the scales in defense. I have found them pretty skittish -- they will throw themselves all over the cage when I have to change out the foliage -- they're not happy to be handled but not much inclined to bite. I have had these a year and a half and so far they give only warning strikes and no bites landed. I am anxiously awaiting BFG's report on their venom so I can know whether or not to quit bothering them for photos. :)

:- henry

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