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Re: False Water Cobra Bite ????

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Posted by Chance on December 22, 2002 at 22:56:40:

In Reply to: False Water Cobra Bite ???? posted by User on December 22, 2002 at 10:02:19:

:What should I do if I get bit by my FWC???

Clean the wound. Most likely the bite won't be anything even nearly severe, as you are likely to pull out of the snake's grip before it can do any harm. However, if it's a large snake, the wound may be a bit rough. A very large FWC can probably bite with a horrendous force. Keep a close eye on yourself for any signs of actual evenomation. I've had FWC envenomation described to me as causing nausea, drowsiness, headache, and local pain and swelling. FWC venom secretions are similar to that of an Eastern Diamondback (C. adamanteus) though in much smaller quantities. If you start to notice any of these symptoms appearing and getting bad, it'd probably be in your best interest to get to a hospital ASAP. Have the local hospital on speed dial just incase. If you're allergic to the venom and experience what is called anaphylaxis shock, you could literally be dead within a matter of minutes. It's really best to only mess with the snake(s) when someone else is around, just incase you are tagged and there is an allergic reaction and your airway needs to be kept open. Anyway, hope this helped a little.

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