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Why do Boomslangs Smell?

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Posted by Chance on October 23, 2002 at 17:50:02:

I'm just curious about this. After wondering about my dark female boomslang and whether or not she was a boomslang or a T. jacksonii (she's a boomslang, I checked hers and the others superlabials) I read a post saying something about T. jacksonii smelling like licorice. This definitely made me worry that maybe she was a Jackson's tree instead of a boomer, but this smell comes from all of them, not just her. And it's not licorice they smell like, it's more along the lines of cellery. And that's mainly from their sheds. If you stand over their enclosure, you can smell an almost perfume-like aroma, which really isn't bad. So why is it that boomslangs produce this smell? And does the smell increase during any specific time of the year (i.e. in according to their courtship or whatnot), or do they just always do this? What is this smell used for? And where is it produced? Thanks for any info.

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