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My little FWC story....

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Posted by Chance on September 27, 2002 at 19:29:21:

I just thought I'd relate this story to you all as I found it very amusing. Just a little while ago I had a mouse escape in my sealed snake room. Knowing that neither the mouse nor an escaped snake could get out of the room, I decided I'd try out our male FWC as a pest remover. Well, I let the big guy out (he's close to 5') and kinda pointed him in the direction where I'd seen the mouse last. The mouse had ran behind one of our shelving system that holds some of the enclosures (keep in mind, this is a very sturdy rack). Within, ohh, I'd say about 5 seconds, we saw the mouse run out of the other side of the self, then stall a bit when it saw us, and then wham, the FWC shot out from behind the shelf and latched on. Needless to say, it was much easier to do this than to try to catch the dang thing ourselves. Then all we had to do was use our feet or the padded end of a snake hook as a "lure" and lure him back out into the open. It wasn't hard, as he was still in feeding mode and was chasing after anything that moved. We then placed him into a plastic storage container to calm down before we placed him back with the female.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed that little story. Like I said, I found it quite amusing. Who needs cats? These guys are just great, though he had no qualms with latching onto my shoe when I accidentally moved while trying to catch him (good thing I was wearing shoes).

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